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CreaZyme DZ 18000L
CreaZyme DZ 18000L is a highly concentrated bacterial α-amylase as a formulating base for fabric desizing. The product can be applied in the desizing process if fabrics sized with starch, starch derivatives, or blends of starch with other sizing chemicals. CreaZyme DZ 18000L has no negative effect on the textile fibers.
Activity 17000AU/ml (minimum)
Apperarance Brown liquid
Density 1.05~1.20g/mL
Solubility miscible with water
The activity of the enzyme is analyzed against an internal standard. A detailed assay method is available upon request.
CreaZyme DZ 18000L is a concentrated product for textile formulation into series of textile desizing products with wide temperature range.
The preferred process conditions for the product in the desizing process are:
- pH 5.0~9.0(operational)
- Temperature 20~110℃
- Dosage 0.1-.05 g/l
The optimal dosage of formulated products originated from SinoZyme DZ 18000L depends on the process conditions, eg sizing type, nature, and quantity: fabric type; process and equipment; water conditions ets.
CreaZyme 18000L is compatible with many other processing aids, including wetting agents and dispersants, lubricants ets.
CreaZyme DZ 18000L is available in standard package of 30 kg PE drum.
The product is recommended to be kept in cool, dark and dry place with temperature below 25℃ without direct sunlight and away from freezing.The activity will decrease less than 10% of the declared activity within 6 months when kept under 25℃ in the original sealed container.
The product is formulated for textile processes and cannot be used for feed and food industries.
Inhalation of enzyme dust and mists should be avoided. In case of contact with the skin or eyes, promptly rinse with water for at least 15 minutes.
For detailed handling information, please refer to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
The above information is made available by the manufacturer as guide for customers, who should not construe this material to be cither a warranty an authorization for any party to employ any patented invention or process for his own.