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Pretreatment 当前位置:首页 > Product> Pretreatment
CreaNit KR conc. is highly efficient bleaching agent suitable for cotton blends & cotton fabrics and also for discontinuous equipment.
Good compatibility and stability
Good Extraction Quality, High Whiteness
Good Wettability
Conducive to Environmental Protection
Does Not Contain AlkylphenolEthoxylates(APEO)
Mixture of Non-Ionic Surfactants
Ionicity Nonionic
Appearance Colorless/ Yellowish
Form Liquid
Applicable Range Cellulose Fibers & Their Blends
Applicable Equipment All kinds of discontinuous pre-treatment equipment
Applicable Processes Desizing, Scouring & Bleaching
Solubility Can be added to water directly
Material 100% Cotton Yarn, (Cheese Yarn)
Equipment HT-Bleaching Machine
M:L 1:8
Running Process Inside-Outside, Outside-Inside
0.5 - 1.0 g/l CreaNit KR conc.
2.0 - 4.0 g/l NaOH 100%
4.0 - 8.0ml/l H2O2 50%
x% Brightener
- Cool down to 80°C
- Drain
- Rinsing 10 minutes at 80°C
- Rinsing10 minutes at 60°C
Material 100% Knit Cotton
Equipment Overflow Machine
M:L 1:10
1.0 - 2.0 g/l CreaNit KR conc.
2.0 - 4.0 g/l NaOH 100%
4.0 - 8.0ml/l H2O2 50%
- Cool down to 80°C
- Drain
- Rinsing 10 minutes at 80°C
- Rinsing 10 minutes at 60°C
Please store at 5-35°C,avoid freezing and exposure to the sun. Its shelf life is 12 months.
The above information is made available by the manufacturer as guide for customers, who should not construe this material to be cither a warranty an authorization for any party to employ any patented invention or process for his own.
CreaNit KR conc.
CreaNit KR conc.
Efficient Pre-Treatment Agent
CreaNit KR conc. is highly efficient bleaching agent suitable for cotton blends & cotton fabrics and also for discontinuous equipment.
CreaNit KR conc.contains all necessary components for a good pretreatment, except NaOH and H2O2.
Good compatibility and stability
Good Extraction Quality, High Whiteness
Good Wettability
Conducive to Environmental Protection
Does Not Contain AlkylphenolEthoxylates(APEO)
Mixture of Non-Ionic Surfactants
Ionicity Nonionic
Appearance Colorless/ Yellowish
Form Liquid
Applicable Range Cellulose Fibers & Their Blends
Applicable Equipment All kinds of discontinuous pre-treatment equipment
Applicable Processes Desizing, Scouring & Bleaching
Solubility Can be added to water directly
Material 100% Cotton Yarn, (Cheese Yarn)
Equipment HT-Bleaching Machine
M:L 1:8
Running Process Inside-Outside, Outside-Inside
0.5 - 1.0 g/l CreaNit KR conc.
2.0 - 4.0 g/l NaOH 100%
4.0 - 8.0ml/l H2O2 50%
x% Brightener
Start at 40°C with all additives, heat up to 120°C with 2°C/min.,20 minutes bleaching at 120°C
- Cool down to 80°C
- Drain
- Rinsing 10 minutes at 80°C
- Rinsing10 minutes at 60°C
Material 100% Knit Cotton
Equipment Overflow Machine
M:L 1:10
1.0 - 2.0 g/l CreaNit KR conc.
2.0 - 4.0 g/l NaOH 100%
4.0 - 8.0ml/l H2O2 50%
Start at 40°C with all additives, heat up to 95°C with 2°C/min.,30 minutes bleaching at 95°C
- Cool down to 80°C
- Drain
- Rinsing 10 minutes at 80°C
- Rinsing 10 minutes at 60°C
Please store at 5-35°C,avoid freezing and exposure to the sun. Its shelf life is 12 months.
The above information is made available by the manufacturer as guide for customers, who should not construe this material to be cither a warranty an authorization for any party to employ any patented invention or process for his own.